What Does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Actually Mean?

What Does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Actually Mean?

In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, many organizations are reviewing their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. Over the next few months, I will be discussing best practices for defining, navigating, and implementing a successful DEI process. I will discuss the various meanings of DEI, why DEI efforts are important as a statement about your organization, and how DEI efforts impact your future growth.

But before we even begin to discuss why DEI is so important, let us start with what it actually means.

Post-COVID-19 Events: (Re)Connecting During a Period of Global Transition

Post-COVID-19 Events: (Re)Connecting During a Period of Global Transition

Destinations and venues are opening their doors! Which means, associations are once again bringing their members together for in-person and hybrid events. However, we certainly wouldn’t call it a “return to normal.” Pandemic-era restrictions and safety precautions still hold true and require an additional degree of planning and care to ensure attendee safety.

An Era of Change: The Genesis of Creative Leadership

An Era of Change: The Genesis of Creative Leadership

Rapid advances in technology, the influence of the global pandemic, and the higher standards of inclusion have all created the perfect mixture, supporting a new genesis of innovation in business. Leaders are now expected to think “outside of the box” to ensure their organization maintains a steady pace towards growth and development. But, how do you achieve this for your association?