Association Budgeting and Forecasting Basics
As a board member, keeping a close eye on your association’s financial health is one of (if not the) most important responsibilities of your position. This responsibility includes looking ahead at the association’s projected financial situation to assess stability and room for growth. Budgeting and forecasting are tools that can help you achieve this. But, what do they actually do? And, how do you develop and keep track of them?
3 Unique Ways to Generate Non-Dues Revenue for Your Association
6 Dos and Don’ts of Association Financials
For some board members, finances and accounting can be pretty intimidating. It makes sense when accuracy is so critical and numbers are such a key component. However, even if your role within an association is not directly related to financial management, it’s important to have some understanding of the dos and don’ts of nonprofit and association financials.
Updating Sponsorship Opportunities to Generate Non-Dues Revenue
You might have found yourself watching your association’s piggy bank dwindle over the last few months or at the very least, stop growing. Although revenue might be sparse right now, do not give up! If the most recent recession taught us anything, it was to think differently and act quickly. You are not too late to grow your association’s non-dues revenue.