4 Ways to Reuse Virtual Event Content

4 Ways to Reuse Virtual Event Content.png

Many of us hosted our first virtual conference this past year and might be planning our second in 2021. A lot of time and effort goes into those conferences despite the lack of in-person coordination. Don’t let that hard work go to waste by only utilizing the content at the conference itself. There are several opportunities to recycle content into new material for members.

  1. “Re-Air” your Conference. For those that did not make it the first time, promote the re-airing of the conference. Invite members and non-members that were not a part of the first go around. This will give you a chance to reach a larger audience and highlight your sponsors again with pretty minimal effort. Schedule out some social media posts and email blasts to those that did not originally attend, set up the viewing, and boom you are done!

  2. Create social media content out of presentations. You can utilize sound bites, videos, or quotes from the conference to keep followers engaged throughout the year. This is a great way to remind members that attended of what they enjoyed so they keep it in mind for next year and to show members that did not attend what they missed out on.

  3. Write up some blogs. You know that your members were looking for the content that was presented at the virtual conference. Take some of those points and write blog posts about them. Putting this on your website with the right SEO will help draw potential members in as well.

  4. Review the data. Check out what sessions were the most attended at your virtual conference. Provide members with some spinoff webinars on these topics and keep the conversation going. 

At the end of the day, you, your volunteers, and the speakers worked hard on the conference. The rewards from this effort should not stop the moment the conference ends. With virtual conferences, it is common for people to slip in and out depending on what the session topic is or what their workday looks like. Keeping this content in the rotation throughout the year will help new audiences continue to be reached.

If you are interested in learning more about our event planning services, check them out, here.