The world adjusted quite quickly to meeting virtually. It is nobody’s ideal scenario but does the trick until members can come together again. If you are planning on holding a member happy hour or get together, try these tips to make it a successful gathering.
Have a defined purpose. Make sure members understand the purpose of the meeting. The purpose could be to reconnect, discuss how everyone and the industry are being impacted by COVID-19, to play games like trivia or bingo. It does not matter what the intent of the meeting is as long as it is something members could benefit from and relates back to your association’s mission in some way. Explaining this to members in the invite, will encourage more people to come and provide a better understanding of what they are joining.
Create a plan. Once you have a purpose, create a plan on how to facilitate the meeting. Virtual meetings can be awkward and having someone to keep the meeting running smoothly will make members more comfortable and open to coming back for more. Having an ice breaker is a great way to start the meeting and get everyone involved. From there, a schedule of events or discussion points will keep the meeting moving along.
Understand the technology. Whether it is Zoom, Google Hangouts, or one of the many video platforms out there right now, it is best to do a trial run. Make sure that everything works well and that the platform has everything you need it to offer.
Set some guidelines for attendees. Make sure your attendees are also familiarized with the technology. Explain the importance of muting themselves when they aren’t speaking and how to utilize the chat program. This will allow everyone to better communicate with one another.
Making these virtual gatherings as professional and smooth as possible, will encourage attendees to attend future meetings. People will be less likely to register again if it feels as though you are fumbling through an unplanned gathering.