How Important Is It To Become Your Member’s Favorite Website?

What is the first thing that we do when we need to buy a product or service? Well, for most of us that can’t conveniently run to a myriad of stores at a moment’s notice, we research or shop online. Guess what…. so do your association members. This is why you need a good reason for your member to choose your website. As this is kind of an obvious statement, just how are you going to accomplish that? Follow these simple guidelines on how to focus your member’s needs to your website.

1. Begin with a blog 

A blog? How does this help focus the attention on products and services? Well, blogs open direct lines of communication. Blogs are a way to build trust and to speak intelligently about your product (uses/values/benefits). Blogs can also provide feedback regarding products, directly from the consumer. Blogs also tend to lead to higher search engine ratings. The key to success is to publish often and publish material of value.

2. Encourage contact on your website

With this said, it’s very important that if you make yourself look available to your members, that you are available. Make sure that when members communicate with you through a “Contact Us” link, that you have a back-up plan to follow up with the client.

3. Show that you have personality

Does your website look and feel like everyone else that sells in the same market as you? Well, if so… expect them to keep looking. Display something that will stand out. Be creative, be interactive, be different, be you!

4. Become an essential resource

This doesn’t mean you have to give all pertinent content away at a glance, but you can give valuable information that will keep your members coming back for more. We all love samples, and samples are what leads us to buy a larger product, right?  I can give one example of this success. I recently attended a free LinkedIn seminar given by speaker Wayne Breitbarth. I found that by adding him as a friend on LinkedIn, he sends out a Sunday “snip-it” every week with an interesting fact about LinkedIn social media tools. Does he give away all of his secrets? No, of course not, but he does tell you how you can learn more about these tools by attending one of his advanced seminars. Smart, if you ask me, as he’s become very successful because of those seminars.

5. Be user friendly

Your website should be easy to navigate.  Have your main menu options at a glance. Have a spotlight on feature products. Member testimonials should be very visible. Market your website in an organized fashion that keeps the client satisfied.

With these five simple strategies, you can become a first and only point of contact to drive the success of your association. Do you have a blog? Do you return your consumer’s questions? Is your site easy to navigate? If you said no to any of these, by making a few simple changes, you may be bringing in the New Year with a blast!