Members join associations to fill a need or desire. These needs and desires are likely to change over time and your association should be open and ready for change. “81% of associations with membership increases in the past five years, and 82% with an increase in overall new members, are significantly more likely – by margins of at least fifteen points – to indicate that their organization has a culture that supports innovation.”(Marketing General Incorporated) The opposite can be said for associations that do not support innovation. These organizations saw a dip in membership numbers. You may be asking, how do I effectively implement innovation within the board and association? Good question.
Start with self-reflection. Within your board, evaluate what has changed and what has remained the same for years. Just because something has been done the same way for years does not always make it the best way for it to be done. How can you improve that for membership? What do members need out of it? Work from there!
If you work with an AMC, ask for their advice! They have seen many different ways of doing things and can be a great resource when it comes to implementing change. They can also provide an outside perspective on how things look, what seems to be working, and what is not.
You may be overwhelmed by the amount of tasks and processes to review. Try walking through the member experience from start to finish.
Review membership models. Are there enough options? Are there too many options? Are the prices fair?
Review benefits. Are members given what they are promised? Do they still want the same benefits? Ask them! A simple survey can answer these questions. This will keep you from wasting time and money on things they may not be interested in while allowing you to focus on things they do want.
From there, review anything else involved with being a member including events, communication, etc. Once you have wrapped up the review process, do not lose momentum. Now is the time to brainstorm and implement change. This is the only way to grow your organization over time. Members will age out or fall off and innovation will allow you to slow this down while growing new demographics. “Associations with increases in one-year and five-year membership numbers are more likely to have higher percentages of Millennials and Generation X members (23% and 31%, respectively). One way these groups are achieving this is through growth in participation with their young professional programs.” (Marketing General Incorporated) Growing these younger generations and allowing them opportunities within the organization is crucial to staying relevant. Without an openness to innovation, your association will stay stagnant or see a decline in membership. Get ahead of this and watch your association prosper.