The Extreme Importance of Associations

The Extreme Importance of Associations.png

One of the many lessons of 2020 is the importance of associations. Uncertainty reigned in 2020, but associations were there to guide members. It’s a place for a group to meet and continue working for a joint purpose. The association advocates for its members in its industry.


Just like everyone else, associations shifted what they could provide to members. An in-person event became a virtual event at the last minute. Next year this same event may become a hybrid event to accommodate both in-person and virtual. Depending on the needs of its members and circumstances in a certain area, an association is there to accommodate.


Individuals refocused their goals and associations were there to meet these goals. Networking online became as important as ever. As online fatigue began, associations were there to change content and experience. Some associations mailed their members a kit or drinks for an event. Games such as bingo or trivia became a great ice breaker. It provides a moment to reconnect and network with those in your industry.


Digital platforms and media shifted to accommodate the shifting needs of associations and its members. It provides access to a self-service community that members can access virtually now.


Associations provide resources to its members. It can provide the education, skillsets, professional development, and certifications needed. Mentorship opportunities are created to bring together all generations and experiences.


We don’t know what the future will hold, but associations will be there for its members as the world continues to change.