The Key to Potential Members’ Hearts: Events

It can often be hard to explain what makes your association unique when putting it on paper. Some things are hard to describe in words and the feeling of community and experience that your association offers are two that you might have a hard time describing to a non-member. If this is the case, try to reach potential members in person. Plan events!

Current events. Open up some of your current events to non-members. Showing potential members what they are getting involved in is your number one recruiting tool. Make sure, however, to keep some things exclusive to members. You don’t want your current members questioning why they are paying for a membership or feeling under appreciated.

Speed networking. We know that people join associations to network and meet people in their industry. Open up a speed networking event to both members and non-members. This allows the two to meet while giving them something they are looking for in an association. To follow through with this, make sure that attendees are clear of the industry you are in to ensure like-minded professionals. You could also give your speed networkers talking cards. This could get the ball rolling on the conversation. Throw in the topic of the association. Are they a  member? What do they like about it? Have your members do the recruiting!

Get involved in the community. Offer fun events for members and non-members. This could be a picnic, a holiday celebration, a sporting event, and more. This will stick in the mind of the guests and provide them with a  positive experience.

These experiences will shape potential members’ opinions of your association. It will also create brand awareness and spread the news to other potential members. Get started on these events this summer!