Updating Sponsorship Opportunities to Generate Non-Dues Revenue
You might have found yourself watching your association’s piggy bank dwindle over the last few months or at the very least, stop growing. Although revenue might be sparse right now, do not give up! If the most recent recession taught us anything, it was to think differently and act quickly. You are not too late to grow your association’s non-dues revenue.
4 Communication Plan Must Haves
With limited time on the board, you may find it difficult to spend your efforts writing up plans, processes, and procedures. When it comes to your association’s communications, it is important that you take the time or work with your AMC to come up with a yearly plan. Every instance in which you are communicating with a member whether it be through social media, an email blast, or a newsletter, you are influencing their decision to stay in the organization or not. Here are a few ways you can efficiently put together a 2021 communication plan.
Enhancing your Organization’s Leadership with Emotional Intelligence
Our team recently attended ASAE’s Annual Meeting and Exposition where they learned all about how to better manage associations. One of the topics that stuck out was that of applying social work skills to association management. This session focused on emotional intelligence and how it applies to leadership.
Emotional intelligence is your ability to understand other people and their motives as well as your own. Your ability to understand and control your own emotions is tied to your emotional intelligence or quotient. You may be wondering how this ties to running your organization. Working on how you see others’ views, react, and read people are not only skills that make for healthy personal relationships, but professional as well. Learn to have more productive conversations by utilizing the following tips, ideas, and solutions.
Creating Engagement in Virtual Events
Virtual meetings, events, and conferences are the new reality for the foreseeable future, and organizations are wise to focus on maximizing these experiences for all involved. With no clear end date for the pandemic, the quicker the decision is made to move to a virtual format, the more capacity the organization has to build out a thriving event. Scaling up an online meeting is not as expensive as scaling up in person, which opens up plenty of opportunity.