Once we get members in the door, our next step should be getting them engaged with the association. They will not be renewing if they step into a community that feels like a bunch of online profiles rather than real people supporting the same mission. You may already be putting in efforts to get members involved, but it never hurts to review your processes. Here are a few tips to bring those profiles to life.
6 Email Tips That Will Increase Your Open Rate
Despite the numerous forms of communication that have popped up over the last decade, email is still high on the list of ways to contact your members. Because of this, however, members are receiving emails from brands, other associations, colleagues, etc. In order to ensure they are reading your emails, you must be strategic and thoughtful.
Avoiding Lapsed Memberships
4 Ways to Reuse Virtual Event Content
Many of us hosted our first virtual conference this past year and might be planning our second in 2021. A lot of time and effort goes into those conferences despite the lack of in person coordination. Don’t let that hard work go to waste by only utilizing the content at the conference itself. There are several opportunities to recycle content into new material for members.
4 Reasons your Association Needs Membership Software
As we have onboarded new clients, we have seen it all, color-coded excel sheets, outdated databases, and an unclear membership. One of the first steps we take is understanding who makes up the membership and how they can be better organized. If your board is resistant to membership software or even an upgraded one, here are a few reasons we see it as insanely valuable to an association.