4 Ways to Emphasize Member Benefits

4 Ways to Emphasize Member Benefits

Membership to an association boils down to one thing, the benefits offered. Each member likely joined for a variety of reasons all based on a mixture of benefits that your association can provide them. It’s important to make sure that your benefits are front and center to both potential and current members, ensuring recruitment continues and retention is consistently in mind.

Member Surveys that Guarantee Responses

Member Surveys that Guarantee Responses

When you are looking to make changes to your organization, the first place you often turn is to your members. Understanding what they want and how they feel about potential changes helps you to determine if you are spending time and energy in the right place. However, the most difficult obstacle is often the process of surveying members and actually receiving a response.

So, how can you get members to welcome surveys and provide their valuable feedback?

Recruiting Volunteers within your Association

Recruiting Volunteers within your Association

Associations run on volunteers. Depending on your industry, however, volunteers might be hard to come by. People are often working full-time jobs, taking care of their families, and maintaining a social life outside of all of that. This schedule does not always leave much time to volunteer additional time to an association, not to mention that members might belong to multiple associations!