Association Budgeting and Forecasting Basics

Association Budgeting and Forecasting Basics

As a board member, keeping a close eye on your association’s financial health is one of (if not the) most important responsibilities of your position. This responsibility includes looking ahead at the association’s projected financial situation to assess stability and room for growth. Budgeting and forecasting are tools that can help you achieve this. But, what do they actually do? And, how do you develop and keep track of them?

3 Tips for Negotiating Event Contracts Post-Post-COVID

3 Tips for Negotiating Event Contracts Post-Post-COVID

We have seen new trends in 2023 that make negotiating event contracts and staying within budget even more challenging. Our world shifted during the COVID pandemic, causing events to close down or get creative virtually. As we opened back up in post-COVID, we all worked together to get “back to normal.” As we have shifted again to mostly in-person events and a new normal, we enter a post-post-COVID time.