Strategies for Financial Health: Setting Up Your Association Reserves
Embracing Leadership with H.E.A.R.T: Insights to Avoid Burnout
5 Tips to Keep Human Connection at the Forefront in a Technological Age
Some associations and AMCs are tempted to turn away from AI for the very fact that it can diminish the humanness of what they’re offering. However, if you’re not utilizing these tools to increase efficiency, you’re falling behind. The importance of finding a balance grows more important with each advancement. Learn how.
5 Tips for Engaging Virtual Board Meetings
Today’s board of directors are hopping onto Zoom calls to make big decisions about the association’s direction. But, no matter how important the topic, the biggest hurdle of a virtual meeting is maintaining an engaged audience. How do we reengage board members and stop minds from wandering during online meetings? Here 5 simple tips from our association management experts.